The Revolutionized and Online Destination for Healthy Snacking and Eating

No one can disagree with the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our diets, eating habits, and lifestyles over the last 15 months. Meanwhile, many people also skipped their traditional meals in replacement of ‘on-the-go snacks’ that F&B market flourishes.

The Revolutionized and Online Destination for Healthy Snacking and Eating

The pandemic forced the majority of the urban population to shift to work from home indefinitely. The ‘munching while working’ life is now omnipresent. The consumer's preference has changed to nutritious, tasty and the products that are delivered at doorstep. 

As per a research done by Global Market firm Mintel, said that 1/5 Indian snacks three times a day or more. It also stated in a 2020 report, “Time-pressed lifestyles coupled with easy availability of snacks is fuelling snacking frequency among Indian consumers. With an increasing number of consumers snacking multiple times a day and disregarding set mealtimes, the line between snack and breakfast foods is likely to be blurred.” 

In simple words, an all-day snacking revolution is fragmenting in India. 

The demand for sound eating alternatives, particularly, in the rising pandemic, with customers getting more careful about the healthy benefit of food. Subscription-based healthy snack boxes are also escalating. To make advances into the blossoming market, first-time entrepreneurs Shreya Shah, Shashank Kutty, and Saurabh Mishra began Reyfeber in July 2020. 

The Mumbai-based startup is the solution for innutritious and appropriate eating habits. It is an online marketplace which provides healthy snacking and eating habits. It sums up 1200+ snacking options from 65-different companies all over India. The range of products by  Reyfeber comprises 6 crores food categories- essentials, spreads, bars, rail mixes, snacks and beverages. 

Reyfeber provides a wide mixed bag of products, from cereals, protein, and granola bars to healthy teas, coffees and immunity-building juices and low-calorie chips, cookies and snacks to gluten-free and diabetic-friendly food.

The story of the foundation of the startup is the founder’s own search for healthy snacks during the lockdown. 

Shreya, Co-founder, said “At the point when we changed to work from home in March 2020, we didn’t have the opportunity to exercise or make elaborate meals. In this way, we found there were 100+ portions in healthy snacking, however those were not accessible under one offtop. We had no course as far as where to track down the best items or understand what was good for us."

The idea of Reyfeber striked in April 2020. As the founders addressed more individuals in the 30-45 age bunch, they understood that there were two sorts of purchasers.

“One that looks for healthy snacks yet faces a sourcing issue. Their purpose to practice good eating habits is 90%, yet accessibility is 60-65 percent. And the rest, don't have a clue where to begin.” Shashank, Co-founder brefied.

Reyfeber set off to serve both customer segments. It went live with its foundation in October, as India’s domestic consumption started to recuperate gradually. “The appropriation is higher in metros and Tier I cities because the awareness around healthy food is high in these areas. In Tier-II cities like Baroda, Bhopal, Nagpur, Nashik and Mysuru. We are making individuals mindful of better substitutes, and aiding them in the thought to-buy venture.” Shashank said. 

Nykaa Style- Merging Business and Style

Reyfeber founders are roused by the total model of Nykaa, one of India's most successful vertical commerce startups (and soon to be a unicorn). They need to incorporate their foundation into a one-stop objective for all well-being, food buys, plans, direction, networks, fitness content and so on. 

On one hand, Reyfeber offers perceivability to specialty, local brands- the likes of Hola (Gujarat), Grameen Way (Bnegaluru), and others- assisting them arriving at container India clients by dealing with delivery and conveyances. On the other hand, it is onboarding nutritionists, dietary specialists, and home cooks to instruct on smart dieting. 

Reyfeber likewise utilizes outsider AI and ML to make wellbeing scores for clients to help them settle on more educated food decisions. “We need to standardize a good dieting schedule, and urge individuals to move away from goal-oriented eating,” the Founder said.

Last month, the startup launched nutritionist videos focused on health and wellness. “The nutritionist videos focused on health and wellness. “The nutritionists will proceed to become channel accomplices and advocate our health products,” Shreya said. “We’re likewise exhibiting plans on our foundation, and 45-50 percent buys are occurring through the recipe section now.”

“We are nearer to Nykaa than Amazon as we’re a niche marketplace and there is information sharing and a community angel as well,” Shreya said. 

Reyfeber additionally redid its site as of late to help customers ``shop by benefits' ' and do require based looks for classifications like high-protein, veggie lover, dans gluten, and so on. It even designs to get into video business after the app launch later this year. 


It's still early days for the bootstrapped startup. 

The upsurge in healthy food consumption post-COVID-19, and India's expanding craving for niche e-commerce has put Reyfeber on a consistent development path, which is "all natural", as indicated by the founders. 

Add to that, the entrance of Zomato in the dietary supplements space in March, and the spotlight has solidly moved to the wellbeing and health food market. 

Reyfeber claims more than 15,000 dynamic customers on its foundation, with orders transported to 24,000+ pincodes. Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Chennai are top business sectors, with Tier II cities making up for lost time. The startup's normal basket size has gone up to Rs 920 over the most recent two months. 

Future Plans

Shashank shared, "We're seeing client stickiness, and furthermore the stocking of items. In the event that somebody is purchasing chips, they're getting 5-6 flavors in a single basket. For cereals and muesli, they're purchasing the greater 1 kg packs. Our month to month incomes went up by 35% in May, and recurring transactions have gone up by 40-45 percent."

A report by Grand View Research appraises that the worldwide healthy snack market will reach almost $33 billion by 2025, with India (and other rising economies) being the quickest developing domains. 

"The consumption of healthy snacks is developing by virtue of their capacity to meet different dietary prerequisites, for example, sans sugar, low salt substance, and low cholesterol levels," expresses the report. 

"Rising purchaser focus around healthy benefits of the item has likewise worked for the market. Taking off the need for snacks combined with expanding spending limits can stir up the development of the market," it added.

Reyfeber has domestic friends like Snackible, FabBox, EvolveSnacks, and others. The startup currently directed a pilot in Singapore, and is preparing for a more extensive rollout in Southeast Asia before the year is over. It is in talks with VCs to raise a seed round of Rs 1 crore to fuel its development and extension plans. 

While Reyfeber presently works on a B2C model, it will soon get into the B2B segment as well. "Worker wellbeing is a major region to investigate. We intend to offer health food packaged to organizations at limited costs," Shashank says. 

Admittance to smart dieting has never been simpler.